Message Line: 01291 330020

Wye Valley Music Society Annual General Meeting

Sunday 16th October, 2:00pm
St Briavels Church
St Briavels, Gloucestershire


1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Minutes of the 2021 AGM held 17th October 2021

3.    Chairman’s Report

4.    Secretary’s Report

5.    Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the year to 31 July 2022

6.    Election of Officers and Members of the Committee: 

  • Margaret Ralph will step down from the Committee and her role as Secretary. It is proposed that Alice Hogge be elected in her place as Secretary.
  • All other current Officers and Members of the Committee are standing for reelection.  It is proposed to re-elect them en bloc.

7.    Appointment of Independent Examiner:

  •  It is proposed that David Shoubridge be re-appointed as Independent Examiner.

8.    Proposal to amend the Constitution

  • It is proposed that Article 2 of the Constitution be amended to reflect the community engagement activities the Society conducts by adding a fourth Object: “To provide community engagement programmes bringing music to local schools, care homes and other groups that would benefit.”
  • It is proposed to move the sentence “Admission to any or all of its concerts shall be open to the public.” from Article 9 Finance to Article 8 Equal Opportunities
  • It is proposed to amend Article 9.2 by adding the wording “and online banking transactions” so it states that “A banking account shall be opened in the name of the Society and cheques and electronic banking transactions shall be signed by any two of the Officers.”

9.    Programme Manager’s Report

10.  Community Engagement Updates: Wye Valley Music in Schools and Wye Valley Music in Mind

11.  Items for Discussion (advance notice required) 

The Committee would be pleased to hear from any member who would like to join it to help further the aims of the Society; we are looking for new members right now.  Anyone so interested should contact the Secretary by 30th September 2022.

Nominations for items for consideration under “Items for Discussion” need to be made in writing to the Secretary no later than 30th September 2022 using the e-mail address below.

The meeting will be held in the hour prior to the performance of Alejandro Soares at St Briavels church.

On behalf of the Committee
Margaret Ralph

Dated: 12 September, 2022
Email: [email protected]


Wye Valley Music

Founded 1967
Registered Charity 1092645

01291 330020
[email protected]

c/o The Pantry
1 East Street
St Briavels
GL15 6TA 

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