Message Line: 01291 330020

Minutes of the Wye Valley Music Annual General Meeting

Sunday 15 October 2023, 2:00pm; St Mary the Virgin Church, St Briavels, GL15 6RG

Committee Members Present: Corinna Arnold (Chair), David Rees (Treasurer), Mike Haines (Programme Secretary), Martin Fenn-Smith, Michael Bradley, Alice Hogge (Secretary).

Society Members Present: Andy Baker, Keith Norman, Sue Norman, Jean Prandy, Kenneth Prandy, Susan Peterken, Jack Tenison, Christine Haines, Gill Wright, John Hurley, Ursula Williams, Judy Craven, Mike Topp, Richard Jones, Jean Sheraton, Martin Pagnamenta, Fiona Pagnamenta, Mike Harrison, Faith Harrison.

Welcome: Corinna Arnold thanked members for their attendance and notified them that all reports from the meeting would be made available to them via the Society’s website in due course. Details of the AGM had been circulated via the website since 1 September 2023, thereby giving the 21 days’ notice required under the Constitution. There being 25 members present, a number greater than ten or 10% of the present membership of the Society, CA declared the meeting to be quorate under the provisions of the

1. Apologies: Johanna David, Roger Hancock, Jean Hancock, Ian Hall, Carole Hall, Geoffrey Capps, Judy Capps, Jennifer Harland, Jennifer Clifford, Jane Maw Cornish.

2. Minutes of the 2022 AGM, held on 16 October 2022: these had been made available to members via the website since November 2022 and, there being no matters arising, CA asked that they now vote to adopt them. Proposed: Mike Topp. Seconded: Martin Fenn-Smith. Approved.

3. Chair’s Report: CA summarised the previous year’s activities, highlighting the strong audience figures and financial good health of the Society but also emphasising its increasingly concerning need for new committee members. She thanked the existing committee and others, including St Briavels Church, Philip Kennedy, Caroline Jones and Jean Sheraton, for all their efforts on behalf of the Society.

4. Secretary’s Report: Alice Hogge summarised the Society’s current membership status, to wit: 132 members (2 Honorary; 37 Silver; 93 Ordinary), bringing a total return from membership subscriptions of £3,760. She emphasised the importance of these funds to the ongoing success of the Society’s core concert activities and she thanked members, past and present, for their support.

5. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the year to 31 July 2023: David Rees spoke to the Society’s Accounts for 2022/23, copies of which had been distributed by email in advance of the meeting and had further been made available at the start of the meeting. Total income for 2022/23 across all three areas of activity was £35,355, while total expenditure was £26,588, leaving a surplus of £8,767. Total cash on 31 July 2023 was £32,731, while physical assets at that date stood at £16,433. DR thanked David Shoubridge, Independent Examiner, for endorsing the accounts. CA asked that members approve the 2022/2023 accounts. Proposed: Keith Norman. Seconded: Christine Haines. Approved.

6. Election of Officers and Members of the Committee:
All Officers and Members of the Committee had agreed to stand for re-election. CA asked that they be elected en bloc. Proposed: Judy Craven. Seconded: John Hurley. Approved.

7. Appointment of Independent Examiner: Members were asked to agree that David Shoubridge be re-appointed as Independent Examiner. Proposed: Jean Sheraton. Seconded: Sue Norman. Approved.

8. Programme Manager’s Report: Mike Haines outlined the highlights of the previous year’s concert programme, emphasising the diversity of both the performers – soloists and ensembles – and of the featured musical works, including pieces by over forty 20 th century and contemporary composers. He then previewed the upcoming 2023/24 season, including scheduled performances by award-winning clarinettist Sarah Williamson and by an eight-piece period Baroque orchestra.

9. Community Engagement Updates:
i. Wye Valley Music in Mind: AH summarised the ongoing activities of WVMiM in 2022/23, highlighting the programme’s participation in the Three Choirs Festival, the key skills training for both musicians and volunteers and the assistance being given to other organisations looking to organise a Music Memory Café. She restated WVMiM’s commitment to supporting people living with dementia in the Lower Wye Valley in 2023/24 and beyond.
ii. Wye Valley Music in Schools: CA summarised the activities of WVMiS in 2022/23, drawing members’ attention to the first-class musicians who had performed for the programme, to the launch of the Young Musician’s Training Programme and to the number of primary schoolchildren reached. She then previewed WVMiS’s upcoming activities in 2023/24, including a new partnership with the Gloucestershire Music Hub to enable a cello masterclass for secondary schoolchildren.

10. Items for Discussion: No items for discussion had been requested prior
to the meeting.

11. AOB: None.

CA reiterated her thanks to members for their attendance. The meeting concluded at 2:31pm.

Wye Valley Music

Founded 1967
Registered Charity 1092645

01291 330020
[email protected]

c/o The Pantry
1 East Street
St Briavels
GL15 6TA 

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