Message Line: 01291 330020

Enhanced Membership of
Wye Valley Music


Help Wye Valley Music gain the skills it needs to improve its administration and secure its future for the years ahead.

In a further step towards securing the future of Wye Valley Music we are introducing an Enhanced Membership scheme, inviting members to add a minimum donation to their annual membership subscription to help us strengthen our team.

Members participating in this scheme will be referred to as ‘Silver’ members; the minimum donations we are seeking are £55 for a single Silver membership and £95 for two Silver members at the same postal address – in addition to the normal annual membership subscription, currently £15 per member. We are encouraging prospective Silver members to sign up by our new Direct Debit arrangements.

In return, we will offer Silver members the choice of where they would like to sit when they book seats in advance for concerts and to include their names in the printed programmes for concerts. Also, we will invite them to an informal Reception each year at which we will share our thoughts and views on the progress of Wye Valley Music and invite their ideas and comments in return.

The reasoning behind our doing this is this: over the past few years we have adapted our methods to take advantage of modern developments – the internet, online banking, e-mail communication, to name but three. These methods have worked well enough so far, but we now need to make them sustainable so that Wye Valley Music will continue to function as new members join the committee and current members retire. Inevitably there is a cost involved in doing this and we are asking for this additional support to help us take this forward.

If you would like to become a Silver member please sign up via the “Join Online” page on our website or e-mail our Chair, Corinna Arnold*.

Wye Valley Music
v3 - 16 Jul 2016


* email: [email protected]; or phone 01291 330020 and leave a message – we’ll call you back promptly.

Wye Valley Music

Founded 1967
Registered Charity 1092645

01291 330020
[email protected]

c/o The Pantry
1 East Street
St Briavels
GL15 6TA 

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